Customer: Does Insurance Cover Lost Car Keys in Stirling?
We once had a customer in Stirling who was convinced that he had lost his car keys for good. He called us for emergency service but also asked if his car insurance would cover the cost. Quite honestly, we could only offer him some rather general answers. We recommended he call his insurance company and ask them.
As a general rule, car insurance companies look at lost and stolen car keys cover in one of three ways:
- Standard – Some insurance companies provide cover for lost and stolen keys as standard. You could always pull out your policy documents and check. A representative at your insurance company would also know. They could look up your policy fairly quickly.
- Upgrade – There are other insurance companies that only offer coverage for lost and stolen car keys with upgraded policies. In an upgrade scenario, you would essentially be adding an optional extra to your existing insurance policy.
- Stand-Alone – Lastly, lost and stolen car key cover can be obtained as a stand-alone insurance product. Some of the major car insurance companies offer such products, but usually they are the domain of smaller insurance companies or specialist providers.
Does insurance cover lost car keys in Stirling? That depends on your insurance company. The same is true throughout Scotland as well as England, Wales and Northern Ireland. Insurance companies all view lost and stolen car key protection differently.