There are few things as annoying in life than losing your car keys. It can be a major inconvenience as well as being costly. However, you will probably be unsurprised to learn it is quite commonplace. It has been reported 16% of people in the United Kingdom lose their ignition keys annually. If that’s not all, it’s said approximately three million do not have spares.
If you happen to misplace your keys, it can be quite expensive to replace them. Especially considering how high tech and sophisticated contemporary car keys have become these days. It has been a legal requirement since the early nineties for every car made and sold in Britain to have an immobiliser system. They operate using transponder keys, complete with an embedded chip. It responds to a signal coming from the cars onboard computer, activated when the keys hit the ignition. They are designed to prevent car theft as you cannot start the vehicle without the proper keys. These widespread security measures are also hard to duplicate. However, should you lose or damage your keys, it is impossible to start the car.
In most cases, car keys require programming to deactivate the immobilizer, allowing the vehicle to start. Cheap Car Key Scotland can program all keys and remotes right at your car, wherever you need us. We are on the cutting edge of repairing transponder key and ECU programming problems, to put you back on the road. This is part of the impeccable service you can expect from Cheap Car Keys Glasgow, Scotland.